The relationship between teachers and students has evolved throughout history, and in the context of education in the knowledge society, it is necessary to reflect on and redefine this relationship. Firstly, advances in computing and communication networks are generating profound changes in people's patterns of thinking and action. This new stage in the evolution of the interaction between technology and education is characterized by the inability of the eye to keep up with writing and the presence of new options for information accessible to hearing and non-alphabetic vision. In the knowledge society, students need to develop skills such as platform selection, information availability, and the ability to critically process it.
These changes have significant implications for teaching practice. The role of the teacher must be redefined to lead students' formation as "digital subjects". It is not just about training students in the use of devices but also about raising awareness of the metacognitive skills necessary to navigate the knowledge society. Teachers should guide students in selecting and evaluating information, promoting critical thinking, and the ability to discern between reliable and unreliable sources. Additionally, pedagogical tasks should include reflection on the criteria for organizing the "Digital Intervention Curriculum" to ensure comprehensive addressing of the skills necessary for the 21st century.
In the immediate future, even deeper mobilizations are envisioned in the educational field. The inclusion of social technologies in educational spaces will modify the patterns and mental schemes through which information is managed. This requires deep reflection on the relationship between teachers and students, as well as among teachers and students themselves. Education in the knowledge society should foster collaboration, idea exchange, and co-construction of knowledge, breaking away from traditional hierarchy and promoting equal participation and diversity of perspectives.
Furthermore, it is essential to investigate the aspects and depth to which digital tools are changing individuals and society. Digitalization has transformed the way we communicate, work, obtain information, and relate to one another. These changes have implications in areas such as privacy, identity, social interaction, and our perception of time and space. It is necessary to comprehend and reflect on these changes to harness the opportunities offered by digital education while simultaneously addressing the challenges and risks that may arise, such as the digital divide, technological dependency, and the loss of essential analog skills.
In conclusion, in the context of education in the knowledge society, it is crucial to reflect on and redefine the relationship between teachers and students. Computing and advances in communication networks bring about profound changes in people's patterns of thinking and action. This requires teachers to lead students' formation as "digital subjects" and promote metacognitive skills and critical thinking. Moreover, the inclusion of social technologies and the transformation of the teacher-student relationship call for deep reflection on traditional educational paradigms. It is essential to investigate the changes that digital tools are producing in individuals and society and approach the novel digital environment required by 21st-century education in a transdisciplinary manner. Only then can we address the challenges and risks of massification adapted to 21st-century paradigms in the context of digital education and fully seize the opportunities offered by the knowledge society.
Aras, R. E. (2017). Los nuevos aprendizajes del sujeto digital. Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios en Diseño y Comunicación, 64, 107–121. http://www.scielo.org.ar/pdf/ccedce/n64/n64a08.pdf