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The Role of Academic Advisors at UNAD: Commitment and Dedication

Writer: Hector Devia RobayoHector Devia Robayo

Updated: Oct 18, 2024

Image representing the role of academic advisors in a virtual learning environment, showing a diverse group of advisors.
Academic Advisors in the Virtual Environment

In the recent web conference meeting of academic advisors held on October 16, 2024, the central theme was the update of the Virtual Learning Environment, but what stood out the most was the deep dive into the fundamental role that advisors play in the success of students. Through the participants’ interventions in the chat, it was highlighted how the advisor is not only an academic facilitator but also an emotional and motivational pillar for students, especially for first-time students who face the challenge of adapting to a distance education model.

One of the most recurrent aspects in the advisors' comments was the importance of active listening, empathy, and comprehensive support. These qualities are not only part of the daily work but become essential tools to guide students in their adaptation process. As Claudia Bernal expressed, the advisor must have "listening skills, empathy, service with commitment, and motivation," a sentiment echoed by many other advisors, such as Luisa Fernanda Bautista and Diego Alfonso Luna Sarmiento, who emphasized the importance of supporting, guiding, and motivating students.

Additionally, several advisors pointed out that their role goes beyond mere academic guidance. According to Eva De La Hoz and César Durán, comprehensive support is key for students to feel that they can trust the university and its processes. This support is not limited to academic guidance but also encompasses emotional and personal assistance, helping students overcome barriers ranging from time management to understanding the available virtual resources.

However, not everything is positive in students' perception of advisors. Some, like Marilena Caicedo, mentioned that in certain cases, students perceive the advisor as an annoying figure who interferes with their process, rather than seeing them as a support. This challenge underscores the need to continue strengthening communication and clarifying the advisor’s role so that all students recognize their true value in their educational journey.

What is clear is that the commitment of academic advisors to their students knows no bounds. As Andrés Puerta mentioned, "we are the people who receive their dreams and help them to come true." This statement reflects the deep sense of responsibility and dedication with which advisors approach their daily work. From initial guidance to constant motivation, advisors are seen as leaders who inspire, support, and accompany students every step of the way.

Finally, this meeting highlighted that the work of academic advisors at UNAD is crucial for student retention, permanence, and success. Their role as facilitators, guides, and, in many cases, as figures of trust and emotional support, is essential to ensuring that students not only achieve their academic goals but also feel part of a community that supports them in a comprehensive way.

The commitment of the advisors was reflected in every chat intervention: they are dedicated individuals who understand the importance of their work and strive to offer a service characterized by quality, warmth, and empathy. As Paula Caicedo mentioned, the advisor is "fundamental to the adaptation to the distance learning environment," a leader who guides, orients, and empowers students to reach their dreams. This work is undoubtedly a determining factor in transforming lives through education.

Hector Devia Robayo Professor and Academic Advisor at UNAD


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